How to Add Brake Fluid

To add brake fluid, you’ll need to locate the master cylinder reservoir which is usually located near the firewall in the engine bay. Once found, remove the lid and check your owner’s manual for instructions on what type of brake fluid to use. Next, fill the reservoir with new brake fluid up to about a ½ inch below of its maximum level.

Replace the lid when finished and clean any spilled brake fluid with a rag. Finally, start your vehicle and press down on each pedal several times until it feels firm again, signifying that it has been properly bled.

  • Step 1: Make sure that the engine is off, and the parking brake is engaged
  • Step 2: Locate the brake fluid reservoir, which can usually be found near the master cylinder
  • This should have a clear lid with “Brake Fluid” written on it
  • Step 3: Remove the cap from the reservoir and check to see if there is enough fluid in it already
  • If not, carefully pour in new brake fluid until it reaches nearly full level as marked on side of reservoir tank
  • Step 4: Replace cap securely onto reservoir and make sure that no air bubbles are present in any of hoses or lines leading out from it
  • Step 5: Start your car and press down lightly on brakes several times to allow air bubbles to escape from system before topping up fluid again if necessary

Adding Brake fluid – How To

Can You Just Add Brake Fluid to Your Car?

No, you cannot just add brake fluid to your car. Brake fluid is an important part of the braking system and must be handled with care. Adding brake fluid yourself without taking proper precautions can be dangerous and may even cause damage to other parts of your vehicle.

It’s best to consult a professional mechanic when it comes time to replenish or change out the brake fluid in your car. This will ensure that the job is done correctly and safely, and that all necessary safety measures are taken before any work on the brakes is started. The mechanic will also be able to advise you on what type of brake fluid should be used for your specific make/model/year vehicle, which helps avoid any costly mistakes that could arise from using the wrong type of fluids.

Can I Top Up Brake Fluid Myself?

Yes, it is possible to top up your brake fluid yourself. Before you start, however, make sure that you have the correct type of brake fluid for your vehicle and a clean container in which to measure out the amount of brake fluid needed. Additionally, ensure that all rubber components such as hoses and seals are in good condition and free from any leaks or damage.

Begin by lifting the hood of your car and locating either an access cover or reservoir cap on your master cylinder – this can usually be found near the firewall at the back of the engine compartment. Carefully unscrew this cap and check how much fluid is present within; if there appears to be less than halfway full then you will need to add more brake fluid. Measure out some brake fluid into a clean container – just enough so that when poured into the reservoir it doesn’t exceed its maximum capacity line (always refer to manufacturer guidelines).

Once done, replace both caps securely before starting up your engine – never mix different types or brands of fluids together as this could damage internal components!

Do You Pump Brakes After Adding Brake Fluid?

Yes, you should always pump brakes after adding brake fluid. When you add new brake fluid to your vehicle, it is important to make sure that the brake system has been properly bled and all of the air bubbles have been removed from the lines. This will ensure a smooth operation of your brakes every time you press down on them.

Pumping brakes after adding new fluid can help get rid of any extra air bubbles in the system and push out old contaminated or worn-out fluids as well. In addition, pumping brakes after adding new brake fluid will also help prevent any premature wear on other components like calipers, rotors and drums which could result in costly repairs down the road. It is important to follow these steps whenever replacing or topping off existing brake fluids and when installing newly replaced parts too so that they last longer and function more efficiently over time.

Can I Drive With Low Brake Fluid?

No, you should never attempt to drive a vehicle with low brake fluid. Low brake fluid can cause the brakes to become unresponsive and could potentially lead to an accident or injury. The most common symptom of low brake fluid is a spongy feeling when applying the brakes.

If this occurs, it’s important to take your car in for repair as soon as possible. A technician will be able to inspect your braking system and top off any fluids that have been lost over time due to normal wear-and-tear. When driving with low levels of brake fluid, it’s also important not to press down on the pedal too hard or let go of it too quickly; otherwise you risk losing control of the vehicle entirely and endangering yourself and others around you.

How to Add Brake Fluid


Should Car Be Running When Adding Brake Fluid

When adding brake fluid to your car, it is important that the engine be running. This will ensure that any air bubbles in the brake lines are flushed out and that all necessary components of the braking system remain pressurized. Additionally, having the engine running will help you to monitor levels on a regular basis and make sure everything is functioning as intended.

Can You Add Brake Fluid Without Draining

Adding brake fluid without draining is possible, but it’s not recommended. If too much fluid is added without first draining the existing brake fluid, you could end up with a problem called ‘brake fade’, where the brakes become less effective due to air bubbles in the system caused by an overfull reservoir. It’s best to always check your car manual and follow instructions when adding new brake fluid so that you don’t cause any problems or damage down the line.

Pumping Brakes After Adding Brake Fluid

Adding brake fluid is an essential part of maintaining your car’s braking system. After you have added the necessary brake fluid to the reservoir, it is important to pump your brakes several times in order to ensure that the fluid has been evenly distributed throughout the entire braking system. This will help prevent air bubbles from forming and will allow you to get full pressure when applying your brakes.

Pumping your brakes after adding new brake fluid can help keep you safe on the road!


In conclusion, adding brake fluid is an important part of maintaining your car’s braking system. It can be a relatively simple process if you have the right supplies and knowledge to do it correctly. With proper care, you should be able to keep your vehicle running smoothly and safely for years to come.

Don’t forget that regular maintenance of your brakes is essential for optimum performance!


  • Alex Gearhart

    Alex Gearhart, an automotive expert specializing in transmissions, has over a decade of hands-on industry experience. With extensive knowledge in manual and automatic systems, Alex is passionate about educating car enthusiasts on vehicle maintenance. As the chief author at, Alex simplifies complex concepts for readers, helping them make informed decisions about their vehicles. Outside of work, Alex enjoys road trips, restoring classic cars, and exploring new automotive technologies.

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