Mastering the 2014 Ram 1500 Transmission Fluid Check: A Comprehensive Guide

Checking the transmission fluid of your 2014 Ram 1500 is pivotal for maintaining optimal performance. Ensure the vehicle is on level ground, the engine warmed up, and in neutral. 

Remove the dipstick, wipe it clean, reinsert it, and then check the fluid level and color. Regular checks can prevent costly repairs and ensure a smooth drive.

When we talk about the heart of a vehicle, we often refer to its engine. But if the engine is the heart, then the transmission is the circulatory system, ensuring that power flows seamlessly to where it’s needed most. 

Just as our circulatory system relies on clean blood, our transmission depends on pristine transmission fluid. This fluid is the unsung hero, working tirelessly behind the scenes, ensuring every drive in our beloved 2014 Ram 1500 is smooth and efficient.

The 2014 Ram 1500 isn’t just any truck; it’s a testament to engineering excellence and a beacon of reliability for truck enthusiasts. As owners or potential owners of this automotive marvel, it’s our duty to ensure its longevity. 

One of the pivotal steps in this maintenance journey is regularly checking and maintaining the transmission fluid. By doing so, we not only ensure that our Ram 1500 runs efficiently but also prevent potentially costly repairs down the road.

RAM 1500 Transmission Fluid Level

2014 Ram 1500 Steps Before Checking Transmission Fluid

Before diving into the process of checking the transmission fluid of your 2014 Ram 1500, it’s essential to be adequately prepared. Proper preparation ensures safety, accuracy, and efficiency. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what you need to know and do:

Safety Precautions

Wear Protective Gear: Always wear gloves to protect your hands from any contaminants present in the old transmission fluid. Safety goggles are also recommended to shield your eyes from any potential splashes.

Work in a Well-Ventilated Area: Transmission fluid fumes can be harmful when inhaled in large amounts. Ensure you’re working in an open space or a garage with good airflow.

Ensure the Vehicle is on a Level Surface: This is crucial for obtaining an accurate fluid level reading. If the vehicle is tilted, you might get a false reading.

Tools and Equipment Needed

Transmission Fluid Dipstick: Most 2014 Ram 1500 models come with a dipstick, but if yours is missing, you’ll need to purchase one.

Clean Cloth or Rag: This is for wiping the dipstick clean before taking a reading.

Funnel: In case you need to top up the fluid, a funnel ensures you don’t spill.

Owner’s Manual: Always keep this handy. It provides specific details about the type and amount of transmission fluid suitable for your Ram 1500.

Choosing the Right Environment

Avoid Direct Sunlight: Excessive heat can affect the viscosity of the transmission fluid, leading to inaccurate readings. It’s best to check the fluid early in the morning or late in the evening.

Quiet Surroundings: This allows you to listen to the engine and transmission more clearly, helping in identifying any unusual sounds.

Clean Space: Ensure the area around and beneath the vehicle is clean. This makes it easier to spot any leaks or drips.

Step-by-Step Checking Transmission Fluid in 2014 Ram 1500

Ensuring the proper level and quality of your transmission fluid is paramount for the smooth operation of your 2014 Ram 1500. Here’s a detailed, step-by-step guide to help you navigate this crucial maintenance task:

Locating the Transmission Dipstick

Transmission Dipstick

Under the Hood: Open the hood of your Ram 1500 and locate the transmission dipstick. It’s typically situated towards the rear of the engine compartment, often labeled or colored differently from the engine oil dipstick for easy identification.

Reading the Dipstick Levels

Warm Up the Engine: Before checking the fluid, start your vehicle and let it run for a few minutes. This ensures the fluid is warm and will give a more accurate reading.

Remove and Clean: Pull out the dipstick, wipe it clean with your rag, and then reinsert it fully.

Check the Level: Pull the dipstick out again and observe the fluid level. There should be two marks – one for “Full” and another for “Add” or “Low”. The fluid should ideally be between these two marks.

Fluid’s Color and Smell

Color Check: Fresh transmission fluid is typically a bright red. If the fluid on the dipstick appears dark brown or black, it may be time for a change. Cloudiness or particles in the fluid can also indicate contamination.

Odor Test: Healthy transmission fluid has a slightly sweet or tart odor. If it smells burnt, this is a sign that it’s deteriorated and needs replacement.

Ensuring the Engine’s Condition for Accurate Reading

Idle State: Make sure the engine is idling and not revving. This ensures the transmission pump is circulating the fluid, allowing for an accurate reading.

Gear Position: The vehicle should be in ‘Park’ or ‘Neutral’ mode. Check your owner’s manual for any specific recommendations regarding this.

2014 Ram 1500 Symptoms of Low or Contaminated Transmission Fluid

The transmission fluid in your 2014 Ram 1500 plays a pivotal role in ensuring smooth gear shifts and optimal vehicle performance. Recognizing the early signs of low or contaminated transmission fluid can prevent more severe issues down the line. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you identify potential problems:

Slipping Gears

Slipping Gears

If your vehicle unexpectedly changes gears without you shifting or struggles to stay in gear, it’s a clear sign of potential transmission fluid issues.

Cause: Low fluid levels or degraded fluid can reduce the hydraulic pressure needed to maintain gears, leading to slipping.

Delayed Vehicle Movement

A noticeable delay or hesitation before the vehicle starts moving, even though the engine revs, can indicate a transmission fluid problem.

Cause: Insufficient or contaminated fluid can hinder the smooth transfer of power from the engine to the transmission, causing delays.

Unusual Noises from the Transmission

Hearing grinding, whining, or clunking sounds when the vehicle is in gear can be alarming.

Cause: These noises often arise from low fluid levels, which can cause metal-on-metal contact within the transmission.

Warning Lights on Dashboard

Modern vehicles, including the 2014 Ram 1500, come equipped with sensors that trigger warning lights on the dashboard when there’s a potential issue.

Cause: If the transmission temperature or fluid level sensors detect anomalies, they can activate warning lights, signaling the need for immediate attention.

3 Tips for Maintaining 2014 Ram 1500 Transmission Fluid Levels

Maintaining the right transmission fluid level and quality in your 2014 Ram 1500 is not just about periodic checks. It’s also about adopting best practices that ensure the longevity of your transmission system. Here are some expert tips to help you maintain optimal transmission fluid levels:

Regular Checks

Frequency: Even if you don’t notice any immediate issues, it’s a good practice to check your transmission fluid at least once every month. Regular checks can help you identify potential problems before they escalate.

Post-Driving Checks: After a long drive, especially in extreme conditions like towing or driving in very hot weather, it’s wise to check the fluid. Such conditions can strain the transmission.

Avoiding Overfilling

The Goldilocks Principle: Just as low transmission fluid can cause problems, overfilling can also be harmful. It can lead to frothing, which might result in erratic shifting, oil starvation, or transmission damage.

Use a Funnel: When adding fluid, always use a funnel to prevent spills and ensure you’re adding the exact amount needed.

Using Manufacturer-Recommended Fluids

Check the Manual: Always refer to your owner’s manual to determine the specific type of transmission fluid recommended for your 2014 Ram 1500.

Avoid Mixing Fluids: Even if two types of transmission fluids are compatible, it’s best not to mix them. Different fluids have varying properties, and mixing can affect their performance.

Quality Over Price: While it might be tempting to opt for cheaper alternatives, always prioritize quality when choosing transmission fluid. High-quality fluids last longer and provide better protection for your transmission.

Common Mistakes to Avoid for 2014 Ram 1500 Transmission

When it comes to the transmission fluid of your 2014 Ram 1500, even small oversights can lead to significant issues down the road. Being aware of common mistakes can save you from costly repairs and ensure the longevity of your vehicle’s transmission system. Here’s a rundown of pitfalls to steer clear of:

Ignoring Early Warning Signs

Delayed Response: If your vehicle hesitates before moving or shifting gears, it’s a sign that the transmission fluid might be low or contaminated.

Unusual Noises: Grinding or whining sounds can indicate issues with the transmission fluid or the transmission itself.

Tip: Address these signs immediately. Procrastination can lead to more severe problems and higher repair costs.

Using Incompatible Fluids

Not All Fluids Are Equal: Different vehicles require specific types of transmission fluids. Using the wrong type can damage the transmission.

Check the Manual: Always refer to your owner’s manual for the recommended type of transmission fluid for your 2014 Ram 1500.

Avoid Bargain Brands: While saving money is tempting, low-quality fluids can compromise the performance and lifespan of your transmission.

Neglecting Regular Maintenance

Skipping Fluid Changes: Over time, transmission fluid degrades and collects contaminants. Regularly changing the fluid ensures your transmission operates smoothly.

Overlooking Leaks: If you notice spots or puddles under your vehicle, it might indicate a transmission fluid leak. Address leaks promptly to prevent more significant issues.

Ignoring Filter Changes: The transmission filter helps keep the fluid clean by trapping contaminants. Change it as recommended to maintain fluid quality.

2014 Ram 1500 Transmission Fluid Check


Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I check the transmission fluid in my 2014 Ram 1500?

It’s recommended to check the transmission fluid level at least once a month. However, if you notice any unusual behavior from your vehicle, such as slipping gears or delayed movement, it’s wise to check it immediately.

Can I use any transmission fluid for my Ram 1500?

No, it’s crucial to use the specific type of transmission fluid recommended in your owner’s manual. Using the wrong fluid can lead to transmission damage and decreased performance.

What happens if I neglect the transmission fluid check?

Neglecting regular checks can lead to low or contaminated fluid, which can cause transmission wear, erratic shifting, overheating, and even complete transmission failure. Regular checks help identify and address potential issues early.

Is it expensive to replace the transmission fluid?

The cost can vary based on location, labor rates, and the type of fluid used. While there’s a cost involved, it’s significantly less than the potential cost of repairing or replacing a damaged transmission.

Can I perform a transmission fluid check on my own or should I always consult a mechanic?

While it’s entirely possible for vehicle owners to check the transmission fluid on their own using the guidelines provided, if you’re unsure or uncomfortable, it’s always best to consult with a professional mechanic.


As we draw our journey to a close, it’s essential to reflect on the significance of what we’ve discussed. The 2014 Ram 1500 isn’t just a vehicle; for many of us, it’s a companion, a testament to our choices, and a reflection of our commitment to quality.

Transmission fluid, often overlooked, plays a pivotal role in ensuring our Ram 1500 operates at its peak. It’s the silent guardian, the unsung hero, ensuring every gear shift is smooth, every drive is efficient, and our vehicle’s lifespan is maximized.

By regularly checking and maintaining the transmission fluid, we’re not just performing a routine task. We’re honoring the legacy of the 2014 Ram 1500, ensuring that it continues to serve us with the same vigor and reliability as the day it rolled off the assembly line.

For those who’ve been with us on this journey, we commend your commitment. For those new to the world of automotive care, we welcome you with open arms. Together, we ensure that our vehicles, especially the iconic 2014 Ram 1500, get the care and attention they truly deserve.

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  • Alex Gearhart

    Alex Gearhart, an automotive expert specializing in transmissions, has over a decade of hands-on industry experience. With extensive knowledge in manual and automatic systems, Alex is passionate about educating car enthusiasts on vehicle maintenance. As the chief author at, Alex simplifies complex concepts for readers, helping them make informed decisions about their vehicles. Outside of work, Alex enjoys road trips, restoring classic cars, and exploring new automotive technologies.

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