During Which Step of the Early Transmission Model of Communication Do You Select a Medium?

The selection of a medium is done during the third step of the Early Transmission Model, which is known as “encoding.” This step involves taking the information that needs to be communicated and translating it into words or symbols that can be sent through a communication channel (such as verbal speech, writing, signs, etc.). During this process, the sender will decide on an appropriate and effective medium for conveying their message.

Different media have different strengths and weaknesses; some are better suited for certain types of messages than others. As such, careful consideration must go into choosing an appropriate medium in order to ensure successful communication.

During the encoding step of the early transmission model of communication, you select a medium for your message. It is important to select an appropriate medium based on your audience and purpose in order to ensure that your message is properly conveyed. This can include methods such as verbal communication, writing, visuals or technology-based platforms.

Selecting a medium that best fits with your intended outcome will help increase the chances of successful communication between sender and receiver.

How to draw means of communication step by step


Which of the Following is Not a Typical Communication Barrier Category?

One communication barrier category that is not typically included in lists of common communication barriers is personality type. Personality type can be a significant factor in how two people communicate, as different personalities are likely to have different communication styles and preferences; however, this isn’t traditionally considered its own distinct category when discussing communication barriers. It’s important to keep in mind that the way we communicate with each other depends on many factors, including our individual personalities.

Which Three Elements are Quoted in This Chapter As Forming the Core of Professional Presence?

In this chapter, the three elements that are identified as forming the core of professional presence are communication, confidence and composure. Communication is about how you present yourself verbally and non-verbally in different situations; confidence is about believing in your abilities to be successful and competent; composure is about maintaining a positive attitude even when faced with challenging situations. All three elements work together to create an overall impression of professionalism in any setting.

Which Situation is an Example of “Relational Context” in the Transactional Model of Communication?

In the Transactional Model of Communication, a relational context situation is one where both parties in a conversation interact with each other to form an understanding. In this type of communication, the participants are able to establish relationships through their interactions and build mutual understandings that allow them to better communicate with each other. An example of a relational context situation would be two friends talking about their day and exchanging stories; as they talk, they create a shared experience that allows them to further relate to one another.

Which is Not an Example of Feedback in the Communication Process?

Feedback is an important part of any communication process, as it allows the sender to gauge how their message was received and understood by the receiver. However, not all forms of communication are considered to be examples of feedback – for instance, simply sending a message without receiving any response does not constitute feedback.

During Which Step of the Early Transmission Model of Communication Do You Select a Medium?

Credit: en.wikipedia.org

When Developing a Social Media Strategy What is the First Issue That Needs to Be Determined?

When developing a social media strategy, the first issue that needs to be determined is what platform(s) should you use? There are many different platforms available today, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. You need to consider which ones your target audience uses most often.

For example, if you’re targeting young adults then Instagram might be ideal for reaching them. If your target market consists of B2B professionals then LinkedIn would likely be best suited for this purpose. Additionally, there are other factors such as budget and availability of resources that will affect which platforms you can realistically pursue in terms of implementing an effective social media strategy.

Once you’ve identified the right platform(s), it’s time to move onto the next step – defining goals & objectives that will help measure success along with outlining a plan on how these goals will be achieved within the given timeframe.

What are the Four Elements Explored in the Analysis Stage of the Ace Process?

The Analysis stage of the ACE Process is a vital step to understanding and tackling any project or problem. This stage focuses on identifying and analyzing the four essential elements: stakeholders, objectives, problems/issues and constraints. Stakeholders are people that either have an interest in or are affected by a particular issue, project or decision.

Identifying who these stakeholders are can help ensure that all relevant perspectives are taken into account when making decisions about the project. Objectives allow us to define what it is we want to achieve from our projects; they provide us with clear direction for how best to proceed. Problems/issues must be identified so that solutions can be sought out effectively – this requires research, analysis and discussion between stakeholders in order to determine what needs fixing, why it needs fixing and how best it can be fixed.

Lastly, constraints refer to anything which could limit the success of the project such as budget, resources available or time frames – these need to be addressed in order for successful implementation of any plan developed during this stage of process. Understanding each element within this stage helps set a strong platform on which informed decisions regarding projects can be made moving forward; without appropriately assessing each factor involved there is risk of overlooking important considerations which could ultimately impact upon overall outcomes for those involved.

What are the Four Elements Explored in the Analysis Stage of the Ace Process Quizlet?

The analysis stage of the ACE process quizlet is an important step in developing a successful and effective learner assessment. This stage requires careful consideration of four key elements: context, content, format and structure. Context refers to understanding the purpose, audience and environment in which the assessment will take place.

Content involves defining what knowledge or skills are being assessed and how they can be measured. Format includes deciding on the type of questions (multiple choice, open-ended etc.) that should be used in order to ensure validity and reliability. Finally, structure looks at how the questions are sequenced within the test and whether any additional supports such as hints or feedback should be included to help learners understand their answers better.

All these elements must be taken into account when designing an effective assessment tool; however it is important not to overlook any one element since this could lead to biased results or inaccurate measurements of learning outcomes.

What are the Three Techniques Effective Business Communicators Use to Persuade an Audience?

Business communicators have a responsibility to get their point across clearly and persuasively. To do this, they must use the right techniques when communicating with an audience. There are three main techniques effective business communicators use to persuade an audience: using facts and figures; providing examples; and appealing to emotion.

When presenting facts and figures, it’s important for business communicators to provide accurate information in order to be persuasive. This means that they need to find reliable sources of data and present them in an easy-to-understand way so that their message is clear. Figures can help demonstrate how successful or unsuccessful a particular decision has been, or explain why one option might be better than another.

Providing examples from real life experiences can also be powerful in helping communicate a message effectively. Using stories or anecdotes allows audiences to relate more easily by allowing them to visualize what happened instead of just hearing about it abstractly. For example, if a company wants its employees to understand the importance of customer service, a story about someone who received excellent customer service may help drive home the point better than just talking about it generally would have done alone.

Finally, appealing directly to people’s emotions can be very helpful when trying to get your audience on board with your idea or opinion too as humans tend make decisions based on our feelings rather than logic at times! So making sure you create content which appeals directly will often give you more success in getting your desired result from those listening!

What is an Effective Communicator?

An effective communicator is someone who is able to effectively convey their thoughts, feelings and ideas in a way that resonates with the people they are communicating with. An effective communicator has strong interpersonal skills, including active listening and empathy. They also have clear verbal communication skills which allow them to articulate their point of view clearly and concisely.

They can express themselves through body language including facial expressions and gestures so that they come across as sincere, open-minded, confident, authoritative and knowledgeable. Effective communicators understand how to use tone while speaking or writing in order to create an atmosphere of trust and understanding between parties. Finally, they are not afraid to ask questions when necessary in order to get further clarification or gather more information on the topic at hand.


The early transmission model of communication is an important tool to consider when planning a message. During the Encoding step, you select the content and meaning of your message. During the Selection step, you decide which medium to use in order to communicate it.

It’s important to make sure that you have chosen the right medium for your message so that it can be effectively communicated and understood by its intended audience. By considering all of these steps carefully, successful communication can be achieved.


  • Alex Gearhart

    Alex Gearhart, an automotive expert specializing in transmissions, has over a decade of hands-on industry experience. With extensive knowledge in manual and automatic systems, Alex is passionate about educating car enthusiasts on vehicle maintenance. As the chief author at TransmissionCar.com, Alex simplifies complex concepts for readers, helping them make informed decisions about their vehicles. Outside of work, Alex enjoys road trips, restoring classic cars, and exploring new automotive technologies.

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