How to Know If You Blew Your Transmission

Knowing if you blew your transmission can be a tricky thing. The best way to know is to look for symptoms of a blown transmission such as grinding or clunking noises, sudden jerks when shifting gears, fluid leaks under the car, and increased engine RPM without an increase in speed. If any of these symptoms present themselves then it is likely that you have blown your transmission and should take your vehicle into a professional mechanic for evaluation and repair.

Another good way to tell if you have blown your transmission is by looking at the dashboard lights; if any warning lights related to the transmission are illuminated then it could be an indication that something has gone wrong with the system. In this case, again consulting with a professional mechanic would be wise.

  • Check the Transmission Fluid Level: If your transmission fluid is low, it could be a sign that you burned out your transmission
  • Low fluid levels can indicate a leak in the system or damage inside of the transmission itself
  • Open up the hood and locate the dipstick for your car’s automatic transmission
  • Make sure to park on level ground so that you get an accurate reading when checking for any leaks or low levels of automatic transmission fluid (ATF)
  • Listen for Unusual Noises from Your Vehicle: Driving with a damaged or blown-out transmission will create loud clunking or grinding noises as you shift gears, change speed, accelerate, brake, and make turns
  • You may also hear whining or humming sounds coming from underneath your vehicle if something has gone wrong within its powertrain components
  • Pay Attention to Changes in Movement Quality: A healthy vehicle should move smoothly while accelerating and decelerating between different speeds without any jerky motions along the way—especially if it’s an automatic model equipped with a computerized gear shifting system rather than manual controls like stick shifts do not have this issue
  • If you notice sudden lurches forward during acceleration followed by considerable drops in speed whenever braking occurs then there might be something wrong with your current set of transmissions gears and/or internal parts such as pistons that are causing them to fail prematurely due to wear-and-tear over time

3 Signs Your Transmission Has a Serious Problem

What Happens When Your Transmission Blows While Driving

If your transmission blows while you are driving, it can be a dangerous and potentially destructive event. The engine will suddenly lose power, which can cause the vehicle to slow down or stall abruptly. If the car has an automatic transmission, the driver may find that it is stuck in one gear, making further acceleration impossible.

In many cases, a broken transmission will require professional attention from a mechanic, as attempting to drive with a damaged system could lead to more expensive repairs later on.

Transmission Blew While Driving

Driving with a blown transmission can be very dangerous, as it can cause the car to suddenly lose power or even overheat. It is important for drivers to recognize the signs of a transmission problem and repair any issues before attempting to drive their vehicle. When a transmission blows while driving, it’s likely that something more serious than just an oil change is required; professional diagnostic assessment and repairs may be necessary in order to get your car back on the road safely.

Blown Transmission Repair Cost

Transmission repair cost is one of the most expensive repairs that a vehicle can require. Depending on the type of transmission, make and model of car, as well as any additional damage caused by the failed transmission, repairing a blown transmission can range anywhere from $1,000 to upwards of $4,500. It is important to remember that these costs are just for parts and labor; if your vehicle needs fluid replacement or other additional services to be completed in conjunction with the transmission repair, then you may end up paying even more than this estimated range.

Will a Car Start With a Blown Transmission

No, a car will not start with a blown transmission. When the transmission is damaged or malfunctioning, the engine usually cannot generate enough power to turn over and start. The best course of action for a car that won’t start due to a blown transmission is to tow it to an experienced mechanic who can diagnose and repair the issue.

How to Know If You Blew Your Transmission


What Happens When a Transmission Blows?

When a transmission blows, it typically means that the transmission is no longer able to transmit power from the engine to the wheels. This can happen for various reasons, such as an internal fault in the transmission itself or due to wear and tear over time. When this happens, you may notice several warning signs that something is wrong with your vehicle’s transmission, including strange noises coming from under the hood, difficulty shifting gears or accelerating/decelerating properly and leaking fluids beneath your car.

If any of these symptoms are present in your vehicle then it is important to have it checked out by a qualified mechanic who will be able to diagnose what exactly has caused your transmission failure. Depending on what they find, they may need to replace certain components of the system or even perform a complete rebuild of it – which can be costly but necessary if you want your car back up and running again quickly.

Can You Still Drive With a Blown Transmission?

No, you cannot drive with a blown transmission. A blown transmission is when the internal components of your vehicle’s transmission system become damaged or worn from wear and tear. This damage can cause the gears to slip, resulting in poor performance or even complete failure of the car’s powertrain system.

In some cases, it may be possible for a professional mechanic to repair a blown transmission, but usually this will require major work such as replacing many of the parts within the system itself. Driving with an already-blown transmission could potentially make matters worse and result in further costly repairs down the line. It is best to have your vehicle checked by a qualified mechanic at once if you suspect that your car has a blown transmission so they can assess what needs to be done before any driving takes place.

How Do You Know If You Have a Blown Transmission?

If you suspect that your transmission is blown, there are a few tell-tale signs to look out for. One of the most common indicators is a loud grinding or shaking noise coming from underneath your vehicle when you shift gears. This sound typically means something inside the transmission has come loose and is rattling around, usually due to a lack of lubrication in the system.

Additionally, if you notice leaking fluid on your driveway or garage floor after parking your car, this could also be an indication that something has gone wrong with the transmission. You may also experience difficulty shifting into various gears or having delayed response time when shifting between them; this can indicate trouble as well. Finally, if there’s an odd smell coming from under the hood while driving (often described as “burning oil”), it’s likely due to excessive friction caused by worn parts within the transmission itself—another sign that it needs attention right away.


In conclusion, it is important to stay aware of any signs that your transmission may be failing. If you ever experience a delay in acceleration or shifting issues while driving, it could be an indication of a blown transmission and should not be ignored. Taking the time to regularly inspect and maintain your vehicle can help ensure that you do not end up with a more costly repair down the line.


  • Alex Gearhart

    Alex Gearhart, an automotive expert specializing in transmissions, has over a decade of hands-on industry experience. With extensive knowledge in manual and automatic systems, Alex is passionate about educating car enthusiasts on vehicle maintenance. As the chief author at, Alex simplifies complex concepts for readers, helping them make informed decisions about their vehicles. Outside of work, Alex enjoys road trips, restoring classic cars, and exploring new automotive technologies.

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